beach day, monotype, 16 x12
wingaersheek, monotype, 22 x30
waning tide, monotype, 16 x12
clouds in the sand, monotype, 16 x12
tidal pooling, monotype, 16 x12
captured clouds, monotype, 16 x12
faded beach day, monotype, 16 x12
dunes and clouds, monotype, 16 x12
tidal pooling II, monotype, 16 x12
dunes and clouds II, monotype, 16 x12
Gloucester water, monotype, 16 x12
clouds in the sand II, monotype, 16 x12
Keira in Newport, monotype, 12 x16
Canapitsit, watercolor, 11 x7
Nashawena, watercolor, 11 x7
across the sound, watercolor, 11 x7